The humankind has been riddled with
maladies. Several medicines and vaccines came in the wake of advances in medicinal
technology. Many vaccinums
are administered through injections. Syringes,
needles and qualified medical personnel are required for giving injections. Research
works point that injections cause both pain and stress. For averting pain and
stress, researches are undertaken to develop new vaccine delivery
methods. Read on to know.
Inhaled vaccines
Inhaled vaccines are among the
first steps to minimize the use of needles. For example, influenza can be controlled
through an inhaled vaccine called Flu Mist. Measles is another disease for which
the inhaled vaccinum are
tested. Similar to the inhaled vaccinum,
another type is developed that can be delivered through lungs.
Needle-free patch
This technique heralded the concept of micro needle.
In needle-free patch, an array of disc-shaped micro needle is put to use. A micro
needle is made of sugar, and it dissolves within five minutes of penetration in
the skin. Additionally, the needle-free patch technique maintains stability and
efficacy of a live vaccine even in room temperature. The technique is the best
alternative to the painful hypodermic needles.
Oral vaccines
Maladies such as cholera and polio are cured using
oral vaccines. Research works are afoot for deriving oral vaccinum to protect against
tuberculosis. As per several biological studies, orally developed vaccinums
produce higher immune response than any of their injected DNA counterparts.
Advent of Transcutaneous
Researchers, vaccinum developers and biologists have
undertaken several studies to understand the skin immune system. Such studies
have led to the growth of Trans cutaneous Immunization (TCI). The TCI acts as an
alternative route to offer higher immunization.
Breakthrough took place in the realm of vaccinum with
the development of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine: it is meant for
protecting young children and infants against pneumonia causing bacteria. Several
vaccinum developers are cashing in on technological advancements to make the
world a better place to live in.
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