The vaccine
optimization, in first place is essential to curb the malady of endemic
diseases. The next issue is to ensure the allocation of optimized vaccines
before letting pandemic outbreaks to catch up. Taking the case of HINI virus
irruption, the onslaught initiated in April 2011, but the vaccines were not
available late until the secondary outbreak inflicted humanity by October.
The strategy to cure
the speedy transmission
To strategically place the vaccine formulation development in the areas as per geographical demography
is the challenge. The vaccination research labs across continents primarily
focus upon even and rapid dispersion. As a result, development of deterministic
endemic model within disparate age groups is devised. The model is bifurcated
in two divisions, adult and children and is subdivided further on the basis of
risk levels— high and low.
Methods and Findings
The setting in the model is a replication of a developed
country wherein children account for 25% of the total population. For each of
these populations, the mortality rate or the hospitalization is minimized. The
next step is to formulate an optimal vaccination strategy that gives the best
vaccine allocation, given a starting vaccination time and vaccine coverage
The location of the population structure is identified, as
it is an important factor in influencing the optimal vaccine distribution.
Moreover, the optimal policy is subjected to radical changes. For example, with 30% vaccine coverage, it is judicious
to safeguard the high-transmission groups before this point, but it is ideal to
protect the most vulnerable and prone groups afterwards urgently.
Elaborating the scenario for a developed economy, as the vaccine
supply escalates it becomes imperative to allocate the resources in the
high-transmission group, which counts for children as the target victims. Only
after protecting the highly vulnerable groups the chain of transmission can be
curtailed from advancing its ensnaring claws further.
Summing up
Choosing the optimal scheme before or early in the epidemic
makes a significant difference in minimizing the number of endemic afflictions,
and consequently the helps in cutting down over the death toll or mortality