Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Ensuring Global Health through Vaccine Optimization for a Better Tomorrow

Development of vaccine
is a strategic, slow and complex process that can be initiated by reliable and experienced labs. Over a time the system for developing, testing and regulating vaccine optimization has been modified to ensure improved performance. These days testing labs are adopting updated standards and regulatory policies to develop safe vaccines of high quality which are giving good results. The involvements of certain steps in vaccine delivery are significant to reduce the risks and improve the overall results. The process which has been followed to develop vaccines are being tested, and regulated in a very similar manner to other drugs. In general, vaccines are even more thoroughly tested than non-vaccine drugs because the number of human subjects in vaccine clinical trials is usually greater. In addition, post-development monitoring of vaccines is closely examined by the higher departments of disease control.

Safety is also an important phase in different types of the vaccine development process utilized by numerous labs all across the globe. Proven adverse events from the use of licensed vaccines are rare, and vaccines with known safety problems have been removed from the market. Successful vaccinations are highly effective and used globally in order to ensure critical health aspects with the removal of long medication processes. We have been heard that precautions is better than cure, vaccine is supporting this fact on the whole.

Immunization chart is the best and only way that parents can adopt to reduce the chances of skipping any of the vaccine of their child in the initial years of the birth. This chart includes age, vaccination name and how it is given, that facilitates you to track and not to skip any vaccination of your child and brought consistency.

Apart all the benefits of developing a vaccine, it has some major or minor obstacles that can be broadly classified as economic obstacles, technical obstacles and cultural obstacles. Successful vaccines have the scope of introducing and supporting new programs to deliberately providing positive consequences. Vaccines have helped eradicate the worst infectious diseases in the developed world. Research and development must continue the progress of the past and address those diseases that have eluded the development of effective vaccines and the diseases that continue to devastate regions where vaccines have been unavailable. Research is also needed to improve existing vaccines.

There are certain misconceptions related to vaccination, that it should fulfill a net cost-savings is a major obstacle to vaccine development. As a matter of fact costing of vaccination is one of major obstacle in India or outside. To resolve this with consistent approach governments and individuals should be prepared to pay a certain cost to improve health and avoid suffering. Recently studies shows that vaccine development is hampered by the current pricing structure in the U.S., which for some diseases fails to allow adequate compensation for the companies that develop vaccines in the early years following license. Paying prices for vaccines that take into account their health and lifesaving attributes, would encourage more research, more innovation, and better, safer vaccines.

Qualitative Vaccine Research is an effective way to ensure global health

A lot of medical institutes and laboratories are concentrating on vaccine research to help the nation in achieving vaccine transfer to prevent a number of deadlier diseases. Child immunization is one of the major areas where more focus is needed by the laboratories and the experienced medical research centres. It has been seen that globalimmunization is the matter of great concern when it comes to promoting global health on a larger scale. Besides this one cannot overlook the fact that with each passing day the requirement of initiating the idea of protecting children from contracting diseases such as diphtheria, smallpox, polio, cholera, typhoid and malaria through adopting  better-quality immunization methods.

Promoting vaccine research is one of the major challenges arising in health sector faced by the developing countries. For decades, experienced researchers and doctors have contributed to spread education and awareness on various vaccines like TB vaccine, hepatitis vaccine and HIV vaccine. However with passage of time it has become the struggle as lot of barriers are taking shape that certainly reduced the chances of getting the right kind of research measures. Problems are even arising due to the growing population in rural areas as it doesn’t seem to be realistic to enhance the quality of life in rural or backward areas of developing countries.

According to the recent research vaccine delivery done by various laboratories for the child immunization has become the prominent way to cope with the growing number of diseases. In addition, it adds to the growth of the society and can contribute to the growth of future generation in terms of facilitating healthy lives. Injecting the lives of children through immunizing them on time is indeed a best approach to initiate vaccination of high quality and efficiency. This can be done through involving in various global immunization campaigns and awareness campaigns. As we all know that children are most vulnerable because their immune systems are practically defenseless against the poisons in the vaccines. They have a lot going against them since their mothers do not pour on immunity through breast milk because they were vaccinated and no longer make certain antibodies. The fact is that the human immune system has been designed to protect us from even deadly illnesses but the key here is natural immunity. Vaccines, on the other hand, use synthetic chemicals to build artificial immunity. They work on the assumption that natural immunity is not good enough. While doctors are undertaking research on vaccines they make sure that the vaccine should pass various quality and sensitivity tests to ensure safe and effective vaccine delivery. This further includes that vaccines should pass the tests and it cannot be proven safe until they are given to human beings for the first time. But this would turn them into human 'guinea pigs' and it is not possible to predict what reactions they will have. This way the best researches can take place while keeping all the positives and negative effects in mind, it can lead to better deployment of factors that are responsible for the research.

Development of Vaccines in India – Supporting the Growth

Development of vaccines has been a matter of concern for the number of laboratories in India, every year research labs in India are investing in the process of vaccine development and child immunization in order to ensure maximized health scale. As we are witnessing the era of health revolution, routine child immunization has played a significant role in preventing childhood deaths and disability; thousands of children in India continue to die from vaccine preventable diseases each year. According to a recent report, Hilleman Laboratories will be investing 90 million pounds (nearly Rs 650 crore) in seven years to develop vaccines, including one to treat diarrhea, for which it will conduct research in India.

There are a number of health institutions that are readily preparing immunization chart for children from 1 month to 6 years of age group, this will provided to parents so that not even a single child immunization goes skipped and parents can keep a track deliberately. As per most of the medical institutions over the world, rotavirus diarrhea leads to annual deaths of five to seven lakh children all over the globe, out of which one lakh are in India alone. Therefore, it’s good to be aware about the situations happening in the world rather than becoming a victim of such fatal disease. Other is the name of the disease hepatitis a and hepatitis b, hepatitis Avaccine cost is quite expensive in Indian market, but still you will get it at lesser prices from some of the charitable hospitals and medical institutes. Hepatitis B vaccines are being inclusive in the national vaccination schedule.

An overview has been made about the disease in the conference - Hepatitis B is a disease of the liver caused by Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. HBV is transmitted through contact with infected blood or body fluids, unprotected sexual intercourse and the perinatal route but not through casual contact. About two billion people worldwide have been infected with the virus, an estimated 360 million live with chronic infection, and at least 600,000 people die annually from acute or chronic consequences of Hepatitis B, such that Hepatitis B is a major public health problem worldwide.

India has restored its image internationally when it comes to the successful development of vaccines and immunization policy. Vaccine policy of India is not rigid and streamlined the practice vaccines in India, recently in December, 2012 World Health Organization (WHO) has approved the vaccine policy adopted by India. With this approval India became the first country in 2012 to pass the stringent levels of seven indicators that is put forward by the WHO that is made much more stringent every time conducted by a team of 12 international experts headed by a member of WHO.

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Prepare Immunization Chart for Children to Bestow Good Health to your Newborn Baby


Good health is the best gift you can give to your new born baby, as we all are aware of the fact that newborn babies are prone to get affected easily by viruses or diseases because of their low immunity level in comparison to adults. Therefore newborn babies need to be cared the most which is feasible when parents are well informed and literate about all the major or minor aspects of child immunization and prepare an easy to remember immunization chart for children after consulting an experienced doctor. Your family doctor could also suggest you the best laboratories in your town from where you can get all the vaccines for your children.

If you are expecting a baby then I recommend you to research as much as you can as it will surely provide information about the recent development in immunization and vaccine schedule for children. Hence your child can enjoy an immunized life. Here are some research based vaccine recommendations that would certainly help you to prepare an immunization chart for children. However the wise way is always to consult your family doctor to take help and make sure you would not skip even a single vaccination of your baby.

At the time of birth, vaccinations that are suggested are Hepatitis B: Hepatitis B vaccine (HBV); recommended to give the first dose at birth within 12 hours, but may be given at any age for those not previously immunized.

The child of age group 1 to 2 months, the recommended vaccine is Hepatitis B: Second dose should be administered 1 to 2 months after the first dose.

The children of 2 months, the suggested vaccines are for DTaP: Diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis vaccine. Hib: Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine, IPV: Inactivated poliovirus vaccine, PCV: Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, Rota: Rotavirus vaccine.

During the age of 4 months, the recommended vaccines are DTaP, Hib, IPV, PCV, and Rota. Once your baby reaches the age of 6 months, the recommended vaccines are DTaP, Hib, PCV and Rota.

With the arrival of new advancements in the health sector, world’s best laboratories are contributing their best possible efforts and funds towards initiating global immunization programs and campaigns in rural areas of developing countries. As the world is witnessing the change in terms of economic and social development, health sector has also shown an outgrowth therefore the development of vaccines has increased rampantly to meet the growing needs of the inhabitants from all across the globe.

According to CNN Health, the most notable change to the vaccination schedule in the 2013 version is that what had been two schedules — for ages 0 to 6 and 7 to 18 — has been consolidated into "one comprehensive list, covering children from birth through age 18". There are some suggestive measures that can be taken up and would definitely help you to be well-informed about the proficient laboratories that are well-known and gained substantial prominence in vaccine optimization for children.